
Tag: Music Industry

How Surma Used a Music Festival to Get Subscribers

How Surma Used a Music Festival to Get Subscribers

Surma used a music festival to get subscribers by thinking out of the box and proper implementation. A music festival was used as a marketing tool to boost viewers and promote contents over internet. It makes evident that content creators with the use of internet, digital marketing as well as offline marketing, can push their brand value to greater heights.

An Emerging Music Artist in the Digital Age

An Emerging Music Artist in the Digital Age

The journey of an emerging music artist in the digital age is challenging but backed by new technologies that unfolds a symphony of possibilities. Artists can navigate through the complexities with hard work and passion with the use of technology, Music has a transformative power that transcends boundaries and unite global audience.

Why United States Music Creators Earn Fewer Royalty Streams

Why United States Music Creators Earn Fewer Royalty Streams

The disparity in royalty payouts in United States is a very complex issue that requires solution at domestic as well as international level. Though present conditions and regulations have added up to the reasons for this disparity. The collective approach by music industry as well as government can lower these issues by addressing structural, legal and economic causes of the problem.

6 Tips for Getting Noticed by Music Bloggers

6 Tips for Getting Noticed by Music Bloggers

Music bloggers are playing a very vital role in the discovery and promotion of music, and the new artists are coming out every day in great number. The streaming era of music and social media platforms that are our main points in today’s time, are becoming tastemakers in the music industry. If an upcoming artist is able to get in the good books of an influential music blogger, then his career could take off and he could become very successful in short time.

Tradiio and the Revolution of Digital Soundscapes
Apps and Software

Tradiio and the Revolution of Digital Soundscapes

In a world where we have grown accustomed to music becoming increasingly commoditised and homogenised, Tradiio is refreshingly different, offering users a glimpse at what life looks like when passion, creativity and community are restored to the fore.