

A Guide to Tradiio Profiles

A Guide to Tradiio Profiles

Explore and immerse into music with a vibrant community of music lovers. Support emerging artists in their journey while you enrich your music discovery experience. Connect and build relationships that could end up as collaborations.

How Surma Used a Music Festival to Get Subscribers

How Surma Used a Music Festival to Get Subscribers

Surma used a music festival to get subscribers by thinking out of the box and proper implementation. A music festival was used as a marketing tool to boost viewers and promote contents over internet. It makes evident that content creators with the use of internet, digital marketing as well as offline marketing, can push their brand value to greater heights.

Why United States Music Creators Earn Fewer Royalty Streams

Why United States Music Creators Earn Fewer Royalty Streams

The disparity in royalty payouts in United States is a very complex issue that requires solution at domestic as well as international level. Though present conditions and regulations have added up to the reasons for this disparity. The collective approach by music industry as well as government can lower these issues by addressing structural, legal and economic causes of the problem.