How to Write an Effective UX Designer Cover Letter

How to Write an Effective UX Designer Cover Letter



When it comes to any job application, the first thing you should want to do is introduce yourself to the employer. Further you will also want to showcase your talents and offer examples of instances when you have accomplished those skills. This is especially true when applying for a role in UX design. Cover letters for User Experience are a very important part of the hiring process. It is the letter that officially introduces you, your skills, your enthusiasm, and your passion to your potential new boss. Being the first thing, your employer will look at before even beginning the evaluation process of your portfolio, a strong letter moves you up the list of candidates and puts you in a place of much greater consideration. The opposite can be true too. A lacklustre letter can leave you in the pile that will get filed away or perhaps even worse, thrown out. A strong, solid, interesting cover letter elevates you over the vast majority of candidates competing for the same position. User Experience Design is a rapidly growing and extremely competitive field, so you want to be sure you are doing everything you can to stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Section 1: Understanding the Importance of a UX Designer Cover Letter

Now that we know what a cover letter is used for, let’s take a closer look at why it’s so important in the world of UX design. A resume is largely impersonal. It’s all about your work experience and your skills, not much of your personality is allowed to shine through. A cover letter on the other hand is your chance to show your prospective employers who you are. It’s an opportunity for you to talk about what you’re passionate about, why you got into UX design, and what you can bring to the table. It’s your chance to tell your story, show your creative side, and show that you know what good UX design is and what makes it so important. Your future employers will be looking for all of this in your cover letter and if you can put all of that in there, then you are on the right path.

Why Your UX Designer Cover Letter Matters:

  1. Personalization: A well-written cover letter demonstrates your genuine interest in the company and the role you’re applying for by tailoring your messaging to the company’s specific needs, goals, and culture.
  2. Showcase Your Personality: Your cover letter is yet another chance to inject your personality and enthusiasm into your application, showcasing who you are beyond your UX designer resume.
  3. Highlight Your Skills and Experiences: While your resume offers a high-level summary of your skills, experience, and education, the UI/UX designer cover letter is where you can expand upon your qualifications, project and course work experiences and any special/professional achievements that might you have won or helped you grow.
  4. Demonstrate Your Fit: Articulate how well you know UX principles and methodologies, industry trends and the skills, experiences, and passions that would make you deserving of a seat at UX design table.
  5. Set Yourself Apart: In today’s hyper-saturated job market, a compelling UX designer cover letter can help your application stand out from others that may offer similar qualifications and experiences.

Section 2: Key Components of an Effective UX Designer Cover Letter

After understanding the importance of a cover letter, let us analyze the key components of an effective UX designer cover letter:

1. Personalized Introduction:

You definitely want a catchy opening for your UI/UX designer cover letter. You do not want to have the person fall asleep reading your cover letter. A great start would be to have the first paragraph be form and address the hiring manger or company and here, you can state how awesome of a company it is and your gratefulness for the ability to work for such a prestigious company. You do not want you cover letter to start just like everyone else’s, you want to be real, fresh, and be someone they cannot forget.


Dear Hiring Manager,
I’m applying for the UX Designer position at [company name] as seen on [where you found the job posting]. As a designer with a love of both harmony and detail, I strive to create delightful and intuitive experiences for users. I am very interested in contributing to [company name]’s innovative projects and being part of a highly effective team of designers.

2. Compelling Opening Paragraph:

The opening paragraph is your chance to immediately capture the reader’s attention and give them a picture of who you are as a UX designer, what you bring to the table, and what motivates you. Illustrate with an engaging anecdote. Start with a bold statement. Ask the reader a thought-provoking question. Just get their attention!


Whether it has been a complete redesign of a complex user interface or an in-depth user research project, my passion for UX and its possibilities are what drive me to deliver amazing user experiences. It is this passion that excites me about the possibility of joining [Company Name] and contributing to its mission of [mention the company's mission or values].

3. Showcase Your Skills and Experiences in your Cover Letter:

Here’s where you highlight your relevant skills, experiences and achievements as a UX designer. Highlight specific projects you’ve completed, what kind of challenges you faced, as well as the impact of your work on user experience. Here’s where you can also use metrics as well as data to quantify your achievements.


At [Previous Company], I led the charge in overhauling our mobile app design. Just one month post-release, our user engagement rose by 25%. I worked closely with cross-functional teams to create an interface that was intuitive and a hit with our target audience. Again, I turned to prototyping tools such as Sketch, Framer, and InVision to build and test the initial designs with users.

4. Demonstrate Your Understanding of UX Principles:

Employers are looking for a UX Designer that has multiple the qualities of a UX Designer and show an extreme strong knowledge and experience of UX principles, methodologies and best practices. Use your UX designer cover letter to sell yourself as a UI/UX Designer and let the reader know how knowledgeable you actually are. When asked about user-centered design, usability testing, information architecture and interaction design, a UX Designer can all showcase those.


My UX methodology is rooted in a deep understanding of user behaviour and psychology. I accentuate user interviews, behavioural analytics, and iterating designs based on feedback to ensure every decision of mine is made with creating meaningful and impactful user experiences. I also stay on top of new UX trends and methodologies through my constant attendance of workshops and conferences.

5. Express Your Passion for UX Design:

Passion for UX design is apparent to hiring managers through your UX Designer cover letter. The cover letter is the ideal place to share passion for UX design. Mention about what motivates you as a designer, why you are passionate about creating exceptional user experiences and how you stay engaged and inspired in the field.


What I find most exciting about UX Design is the ability to combine my creativity and problem solving skills to create tangible, living things in which other people interact and form lasting experiences with. I get a lot of satisfaction from being able to efficiently simplify and streamline complex workflows and needs into easy to use products that not only meet users needs, but also their wants. I think the possibility of teaming up with other like-minded individuals who have a passion for innovation and who want to push the boundaries of what is possible sounds like a really exciting endeavour.

6. Conclude your UX Designer Cover letter with a Strong Call to Action:

The final paragraph should round up your cover letter, restate why you’re interested in the position, explain whether you’re able to move for interview, and whether or not you will be in the area at the time, and ultimately, ask the hiring manager to get in touch. Always proofread your cover letter for errors and have friends and family read through the cover letter for a second check.


Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my skills, experience, and enthusiasm to the UX Designer role at [Company Name] and contribute to your team's success. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs and explore how we can collaborate to create exceptional user experiences. Please find my portfolio attached for your review.

I look forward to the possibility of working together and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. 

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Section 3: Crafting Your UX Designer Cover Letter

Now that you know what a great cover letter for a UX designer should look like, let’s get down to writing your own!

Step 1: Research the Company:

To create an application that resonates with the hiring manager, first conduct some research. Look for all you can find on the company, its service or product, its culture and its values. Scan the company website, read its blog posts and crunch its social media feeds for clues about their design philosophy and approach to user experience.


Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am excited to apply for the UX Designer position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With my background in creating intuitive and visually appealing user experiences,

I am eager to contribute to [Company Name]'s mission of [mention the company's mission or values].

Step 2: Craft a Compelling Opening:

Capture the employers’ attention with a compelling opening paragraph that highlights your passion for UX design and your excitement about the opportunity to join the company.


What I find most exciting about UX Design is the ability to combine my creativity and problem solving skills to create tangible, living things in which other people interact and form lasting experiences with. I get a lot of satisfaction from being able to efficiently simplify and streamline complex workflows and needs into easy to use products that not only meet users needs, but also their wants. I think the possibility of teaming up with other like-minded individuals who have a passion for innovation and who want to push the boundaries of what is possible sounds like a really exciting endeavour.

Step 3: Highlight Your Skills and Experiences:

The body of your cover letter should show off your relevant skills, experiences and accomplishments as a user experience designer. Give examples of projects you have worked on, describe challenges you have faced and the impact your work has had on the user experience.


At [Previous Company], I collaborated closely with a team of five designers and two project managers to add a product feature to our company’s existing mobile app. My specific contribution entailed researching, ideating, wireframing, prototyping, and conducting usability tests on the then-existing app.

Step 4: Demonstrate Your Understanding of UX Principles:

In your own words, please describe your understanding of UX principles, methodologies, and best practices, and indicate your personal commitment to continued learning and professional development in the field of UX design.


My approach to UX design is anchored in a deep understanding of user behavior and psychology. By conducting user interviews, digging into data, and iterating on designs based on feedback, I make sure that every decision is accountable to creating meaningful and impactful experiences. I also actively keep up with the latest trends and methods in UX by attending conferences, and workshops.

Step 5: Express Your Passion for UX Design:

Express your true enthusiasm for UX design, what about it gets you excited and how you feel it applies to your work and to the company’s goals.


The ability to combine creativity and problem-solving to create the way that people use technology is what I am most interested in with UX design. I am driven the most by simplifying a complex process or workflow and creating an end result that meets user’s needs and exceeds their expectations. The opportunity to come and work with like-minded people who are all as excited about innovation as I am is so inspiring. That would just be the icing on the cake to be able to produce good work with people I really enjoy working with.

Step 6: Conclude with a Strong Call to Action:

Close the UX designer cover letter with a strong concluding paragraph. Restate your interest in the position and your excitement about the opportunity to contribute to the company. Invite the employer to take the next step in the hiring process, discuss your application and arrange an interview.


Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my skills, experience, and enthusiasm to the UX Designer role at [Company Name] and contribute to your team's success. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs and explore how we can collaborate to create exceptional user experiences. Please find my portfolio attached for your review.

I look forward to the possibility of working together and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. 

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Section 4: Proofreading and Finalizing Your UI/UX Designer Cover Letter

Once you have finished writing your UX Designer cover letter, it is absolutely necessary for you to just go through it one last time to be certain there are no errors. This means no typing errors, no grammatical errors and it follows the same format as your resume. You should also have someone else, whether it is a friend, family member or colleague, review your cover letter for you. This person too, will be able to catch any errors you may not have and have any suggestions or ideas for you on how you may want to change your letter. Once you are confident in your final copy, be sure to send it in along with a copy of your UX Designer resume and any other required document in your job application.

Section 5: Conclusion

Writing a standout UX designer cover letter takes time, effort and attention to detail. But the reward is worth it. By personalizing your message, highlighting your skills and accomplishments, illustrating your knowledge of UX principles and conveying your excitement, you can expect to leave a lasting impression on hiring managers. Also take care to write a unique cover letter for each job you apply to, do your homework on each company and proofread your final draft before submitting. With the right approach and a killer UI/UX designer cover letter, the opportunities in UX design will be yours.

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